Feast your eyes on our country's Downfall...
wain g3deeen??...
Last I checked, Islam was never by forcing people into things.. where God has given us the ability to think for ourselves, we do what we have to when we believe the time is right..
"Wa enama al'a3mal B.niyaat"
Ana at7ajab 7ag Allah... mo 3shan one of you horny fucks having a hard time controling his Testosterone... if you are so much into your own religious self-consciousness then you should know better than to "at5izz ib 5alg Allah" and you learn to "eT'3e'6 el.Ba9ar".
I found this funny;p
I've always dreaded the fact that these people will control our lifestyles. My biggest fear is not being able to live my life the way I want to, but I don't think this will happen.
Kuwait is too good for that.
lets hope so..
madri laish, am jst gettin a bad feeling about ths!
Well said V!CE!!!
*the crowd goes wild*
Well.. only time will tel what happens. But I don't think the general public is going to allow this to happen.
Fuckopracy... nice :)
I don't want to make you feel worse than you do... but Kuwait will never change. The country worships as a society. Unfortunately, there is no such thing as a one to one relationship with God. Read the Quran and interpret it to the best of your knowledge. The Sheikhs have done it, and they have their own interpretation. You are entitled to yours.
bs some interpertations are horrendous..
Like my friends i do agree that the general public will not allow this to happen, but allowing this kind of shit to get published you can't help but wonder what might happen next??
*tightens headband and takes on the Machete*.... Jst Try ME >_<;
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