Wednesday, May 28, 2008

... Night Vision uncensored

  • Don't ask... it's one of those things I have NO CONTROL over... I wish I did though, it was shit disturbing when I realized I woke up with that FUGLY MUG of his on my mind...

Sigh.. I give you my night vision... Staring: WORD VOMIT~~ *DANDAN DAAAAAAN*

W.V. - wordvomitwordvomit....

MOI - .....?!

W.V. - wordvomit.... wordvomitwordvomitwordvomit...!!?!

MOI - wtf...? noo.. go away... get out

W.V. - woorrrdvvooommmittt..... wordvomit

MOI - I can hurt you, why are you here anyway?

W.V. - wordvomit... wordvomitwordvomit T_T...

MOI - ok stop...



W.V. - ..... mmmmmmm

MOI - ooh... my bad!.. go on.. SPEAK!

W.V. - .......................................

MOI - any time now..


*KAAAPAAAWWWWW <-- punch sound effect*......

MOI - you're useless!

*curtain fall*

Monday, May 26, 2008

The Epitome of FUCK 010...

I'm PMSing.... you have been warned~

Not only do I work my ass off and get shit for it... I HAVE TO REWRITE THE DAMN THING AND ADD COLORED PAPERS... colored... colo.... aaaauuuh!! on top of that I got him smiling at me and askin me the most idiotic question professors always come out with, as if the answer is just so phenomenal:

where have you been in class???
....... excuse you!... where have I be....!! DAMN IT, where the fuck do you think??? I sit two seats aways from your murky brown face, RIGHT THERE.... the fuckin room isn't big AT ALL, what kinda question is that?!!... where have I been.. hehe I'll tell you, I wait and hide behind the small dark corner to when you arrive and I scare the living fuck outta ya so you'd die and I get an fuckin A.. bwahahahahahaa!!!
get it... hahaha you, dead... bwahahahahaa!!!
yesterday bites >.< ...

Saturday, May 24, 2008

This is the New Shit*

Life... When time comes, you hope you can be ready to face the consequences you set ahead... You tend to turn a blind eye on the unknown part of life.. the obscure.. you never look beyond the gate of which you conceal yourself behind.. tragic? is it not?.... other times, you tend to calculate.. and assume the course of nature to your own accord.. living your life in a shell created by your own shallowness, and you believe it... in the end, it kills you... tragic, is it not??

babble, babble..

Pathetic.. weaklings, all of You.. such a waste life is on them! such a misfortune that chance chose them instead of others who are willing to stand out.. speak up... make a statement.. make a difference.. to Lead! You sit and wait.. deluding yourself into thinking chances are forever granted.. and waiting is for the better out come... tragic, is it not?

bitch, bitch..
rebel, rebel..

open your eyes... open your fucking minds.. breath liberty, breath in the wasted freedom.. it will all soon fade away without you ever realizing it... confining yourself to assumptions will take you nowhere.. following others in hope of originality will erase your existence... dwelling into the past life, and stopping to regret what could have been and what never was will forever hold you down, and you will stay as you are.. hateful, fragile and above all... abandoned.

party, party..
sex, sex, sex
don't forget the violence...

so... Dare be You?

Do you wann'it now??
This is the New Shit*

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

STOP! In the name of Mazaaj -__-

I am a good citizen.. bs wain elli qadir?!.. i realized today that people do not deserve SHIT of respect!.. and on top of that.. it took one of our Law and Order civilians to prove so... oh the irony, ay?!

It's around 12;30'ish when I was on my way to Sultan Center in Salmiya.. being the only place open, in a former GAZZ area, at a time where the whole country is in "supposed" grief... yea, my rubber butt they are -__-!!...
On the road.. there was a cop.. I didn't pay any attention to him, or the fact that he was driving below 80... ok, maybe I did >_>... I figured he's doing one of his regular patrols... my exit to the street where Sultan Center was near.. and the cop was on the lane that I wanted..... I signaled that I was going in front of him and I did... and turned into the exit.. he followed and we stopped at a traffic light.. again, not that I looked into the matter.. I still thought it was the same rout his patrol is taking him...
  • P.S.- I NEVER SIGNAL WHEN MOVING ONTO OTHER LANES... it is out a respect, and not wanting to be pinned down by any charges those maniacs can come up with so i did..

... moving on... light goes green, and I go into the other street.. quickly, once again, I signaled that i was moving to turn to that small corner... proceeding, I got into the street where Sultan Center is.. and I kept going straight... 2'seconds into the street I heard him say something over the microphone, I did not pay attention to it because I knew it couldn't have meant me... and I wasn't doing anything wrong anyway + a car came between us, and I figured it was directed to that other person...

Nearing Sultan's entrace.. it was PACKED with cars and people.. so much for grief ! Idecided to park at the back side, noticing that this cop is still behind me, and quiet close.. I continued my way... upuntill I reached the narrow back street... I saw him proceed and bring his car to my side.. he ushered me to pull down my window, which I did..

- i5ty ana min misa3 ga3id agool yal jeep wagif, alla y'hadeech!!

- ok.. 5air?

- min misaa3..

- in zain.. fii shai??

*silence.. deep croked thoughts*

- la... slamtich!

*fuckin dyke!*

HONESTLY... could you have had a more lame excuse for stoping me... and the asshole walked away.. I knew what he wanted, and I was waiting on him to say it 3shan al3an 5ayraa!! but I guess he sensed that and backed off... MoFo >_<

Yes, people deserve SHIT of respect.. our cops are messed up.. m95ara, and that is an understatment!

... Blackout... >.<

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

R.I.P. <3

May 13th. '08- Marks the lose of a great Leader..
and forever a Loving father to his people...

Alla yir7mk Baba Sa'ad ): <3

Pic'CHO'rial O_o

I have no inttentions what so ever in learning or slightly identifying myself with the studies of Linguistics. here I present it to you.. clear and simple... if I already suck in speaking my own native language.. if I have long ago abandoned all hope in ever understanding the intricate structure of my rich native tongue.. I ask you this, what the fuck would make me want to spend 1 hour, 3 days aweek.. confined to a butt raping chair (yes, it is that much painful T_T)... listening to what I already, and mind i say, Perfectly speak and communicate by.. and having to take it apart with the NOT so pleasant view of a nun-looking.. old and mildly boring (oddly, she does have her funny moments)..... uh yea.. and mildly boring woman *sigh*..

Bottom line.. I find it pointless.. and since the MOE* is saying otherwise.. hear me out right you ignorant, senile pricks: I speak English just fine, as you can see... I am in no need of a professor(s). to tell me so.. especially one that has difficulty finding words of such simple and basic language.. let alone can't distinguish the proper pronunciation between (S)s and (Z)s... or any other word for that matter.

"-6affich.. hatha my friend twa sawa a presentation..
and he gave me a Pic"cho"rial magazine..... o0 gaa..
- huh... Pic' whaa?!
- Pic"CHO"rial....
- what the fuck... shino Pic"cho"rial?..
- y3ni... imigary magazine!.. u know.. Pictures
- BWAHAHHAHAAA... PICTORIAL YOU IDIOT.. hahahaa!!" Major: Lingistics- May 13th. '08.
1 : 0 - Litreture ^_~
*MOE have also included Science and Mathamatics courses into major sheets of abselut irrelevance >_<

Monday, May 12, 2008

"It happened... except i never thought it would happen to me... me, of all people!!.. you don't understand, i used to see it all happen in movies.. such drama is so over rated.. i used to see it all so shallow and oh so mellow dramatic.. but it happened.. it happened to ME."
  • when your world comes crashing down, it is then where you get to discover what you are made of.

I started this for you... i am your voice, i am your mind... your Senseless Sanity.

~... and so it all begins