Monday, May 26, 2008

The Epitome of FUCK 010...

I'm PMSing.... you have been warned~

Not only do I work my ass off and get shit for it... I HAVE TO REWRITE THE DAMN THING AND ADD COLORED PAPERS... colored... colo.... aaaauuuh!! on top of that I got him smiling at me and askin me the most idiotic question professors always come out with, as if the answer is just so phenomenal:

where have you been in class???
....... excuse you!... where have I be....!! DAMN IT, where the fuck do you think??? I sit two seats aways from your murky brown face, RIGHT THERE.... the fuckin room isn't big AT ALL, what kinda question is that?!!... where have I been.. hehe I'll tell you, I wait and hide behind the small dark corner to when you arrive and I scare the living fuck outta ya so you'd die and I get an fuckin A.. bwahahahahahaa!!!
get it... hahaha you, dead... bwahahahahaa!!!
yesterday bites >.< ...


Amethyst said...


Well, we're not PMSing together. My period is late.

And.. uuuhh.. colored papers? Seriously?!

Oh, and where have you been? Does he want me to smash his face?! We don't get to spend time with you because you attend his class! UGH!!!

V!Ce... said...


The fuck i know.... shit AM STILL PISSED JUST THNKING 'BOUT IT...

Yes darlyn.. COLORED.. the file looks like a raindow diarrhoea, disturbing O_O!...

The Archer said...

Mine is late too.. wait.. :/

Ok.. so, I might not be PMSing.. but great post ;)

LOOOL! who's the guy? :p~

The Archer said...

Oh.. and don't worry.. The sun will come out tomorrow inshallah.

It always does..

Wow! me.. an optimist! :o

hehe :p~

V!Ce... said...

Politics Prof.

You should have been there luv.. the Kill was to Die for...

I gotta tell you thu, I should carry me earplugs more often... you can't tell who would turn out to be such a bitch-horn:/

The Archer said...

lol! I guess you should :p hahay!