Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Pic'CHO'rial O_o

I have no inttentions what so ever in learning or slightly identifying myself with the studies of Linguistics. here I present it to you.. clear and simple... if I already suck in speaking my own native language.. if I have long ago abandoned all hope in ever understanding the intricate structure of my rich native tongue.. I ask you this, what the fuck would make me want to spend 1 hour, 3 days aweek.. confined to a butt raping chair (yes, it is that much painful T_T)... listening to what I already, and mind i say, Perfectly speak and communicate by.. and having to take it apart with the NOT so pleasant view of a nun-looking.. old and mildly boring (oddly, she does have her funny moments)..... uh yea.. and mildly boring woman *sigh*..

Bottom line.. I find it pointless.. and since the MOE* is saying otherwise.. hear me out right you ignorant, senile pricks: I speak English just fine, as you can see... I am in no need of a professor(s). to tell me so.. especially one that has difficulty finding words of such simple and basic language.. let alone can't distinguish the proper pronunciation between (S)s and (Z)s... or any other word for that matter.

"-6affich.. hatha my friend twa sawa a presentation..
and he gave me a Pic"cho"rial magazine..... o0 gaa..
- huh... Pic' whaa?!
- Pic"CHO"rial....
- what the fuck... shino Pic"cho"rial?..
- y3ni... imigary magazine!.. u know.. Pictures
- BWAHAHHAHAAA... PICTORIAL YOU IDIOT.. hahahaa!!" Major: Lingistics- May 13th. '08.
1 : 0 - Litreture ^_~
*MOE have also included Science and Mathamatics courses into major sheets of abselut irrelevance >_<


The Archer said...

looool! That was priceless :p

What about the "Rural Juror"? Darn, I still can't pronounce that.. it comes out "Rurr Jurr" :p~

V!Ce... said...

LOL.. say it like the Spaniard do, bring out the "R" with emphasis..

like: R R R R RRRRrrrrrr ;Pp~