It's around 12;30'ish when I was on my way to Sultan Center in Salmiya.. being the only place open, in a former GAZZ area, at a time where the whole country is in "supposed" grief... yea, my rubber butt they are -__-!!...
On the road.. there was a cop.. I didn't pay any attention to him, or the fact that he was driving below 80... ok, maybe I did >_>... I figured he's doing one of his regular patrols... my exit to the street where Sultan Center was near.. and the cop was on the lane that I wanted..... I signaled that I was going in front of him and I did... and turned into the exit.. he followed and we stopped at a traffic light.. again, not that I looked into the matter.. I still thought it was the same rout his patrol is taking him...
- P.S.- I NEVER SIGNAL WHEN MOVING ONTO OTHER LANES... it is out a respect, and not wanting to be pinned down by any charges those maniacs can come up with so i did..
... moving on... light goes green, and I go into the other street.. quickly, once again, I signaled that i was moving to turn to that small corner... proceeding, I got into the street where Sultan Center is.. and I kept going straight... 2'seconds into the street I heard him say something over the microphone, I did not pay attention to it because I knew it couldn't have meant me... and I wasn't doing anything wrong anyway + a car came between us, and I figured it was directed to that other person...
Nearing Sultan's entrace.. it was PACKED with cars and people.. so much for grief ! Idecided to park at the back side, noticing that this cop is still behind me, and quiet close.. I continued my way... upuntill I reached the narrow back street... I saw him proceed and bring his car to my side.. he ushered me to pull down my window, which I did..
- i5ty ana min misa3 ga3id agool yal jeep wagif, alla y'hadeech!!
- ok.. 5air?
- min misaa3..
- in zain.. fii shai??
*silence.. deep croked thoughts*
- la... slamtich!
*fuckin dyke!*
HONESTLY... could you have had a more lame excuse for stoping me... and the asshole walked away.. I knew what he wanted, and I was waiting on him to say it 3shan al3an 5ayraa!! but I guess he sensed that and backed off... MoFo >_<
Yes, people deserve SHIT of respect.. our cops are messed up.. m95ara, and that is an understatment!
... Blackout... >.<
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